Justice Spell ... (snipped)In my experience, karma is tit for tat and works automatically. The Law of
Three however needs to be invoked as in the case
for Just Retribution. Someone who is truly innocent, but who has been
"wronged" (karma out of balance) can call upon the
God/dess (Diety/Great Spirit) to judge the situation and invoke the Law of
"Let it begin by thy (God/dess) decree,
I invoke the ancient Law of Three.
Evil reaped,for Evil sown,
Three times over,(name) shall atone."
I have only used this technique once but it works, AND it seems to remain in
effect for as long as the karma is out of balance.
It is very powerful and it has the benefit of being ethical as well, since
it is meerly a call for Justice
http://users.ipns.com/northstar/Magick/Body/Otherbobbles/MiscellaneousSpells.htmHere is another more elaborate > The Blue Justice Spell
http://www.open-sesame.com/TWHspells.html She recommends invoking Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of Justice.
She was even responsible for the sun rising and the seasons. All things kept in balance in the Universe.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma'at I had in mind doing spell work to raise the Justice Energy in our country. Is this valid? Ethical?