Calling the Quarters
by Christopher Penczak
(Originally appearing in Green Egg Magazine.)
Quarter calls are part of the magic circle, a ritual used by witches and other mystics the world over. In this ceremony, the practitioner is creating a boundary for protection and to raise energy. Through intention, this energy is infused with the goal of any spells done in the circle. The four quarters are called to balance the circle and manifest the results of a spell. Each quarter draws upon the four element, the primal powers of creation. Everything is made from the four elements. Everything has an Earth or physical aspect and a Fire, or energy component. Less obvious is the Water aspect. Water is expressed through the emotional and astral forms. The Air aspect is expressed through the mental realm. Everything is created by thought. Even if something has no consciousness and emotions, it has an astral form and a structural geometry. By calling upon the four elements, you manifest your desire more quickly. Guardian entities are often called upon and visualized with each quarter, to aid in protection and manifestation.
The primary difference between quarter calls is the correspondence between the direction and element, and what form of guardian you are calling upon for aid. Some traditions claim they perform the one true way, and all others are wrong, but I've found as long as you call upon all four, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and do so with love and respect, it works. Some combinations may resonate better with you than others, but it never hurts to try something different. Traditionally quarter calls start in the north or east and move clockwise. They are released and wished well at the end of the ritual in the opposite direction, usually starting where the quarter calls began. All beings who help in your magic should be honored and thanked.
The angelic circle is a very traditional quarter call. The four archangels, or watchtowers, are asked to protect the participants in the magic circle. Start in the north, call upon the element of Earth and the archangel Auriel. In the east call upon the element of Air and the archangel Raphael. Then to the south, call upon the element of Fire and the archangel Michael. His flaming sword protects Eden. Lastly move to the west, calling upon the element of Water and the archangel Gabriel.
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