We all use them, some of us more eloquent then others. Some of us know big overbearing ones, other only plain and simple ones. They come in all different shapes and sizes. They are used by both old and young alike and are no respecter of either Race or Creed. They are everyday and yet powerfully magical. I am of course talking about words.
As Children most of us have been taught over and over again that: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!" Sadly of course most of us can not abide by this wise saying. We use thousands of Words daily and most of them are a pure waste of breath. We all know those that talk only for the joy of hearing their own Voice with nothing to contribute of any value at all.
Words like Love, Hate, Anxiety, and Friendship are just throw away words in our Society. We love this and that, give our love to almost complete Strangers while we hate the way we look, the way something tastes etc. Words no longer seem to have any real meaning to us. They are just something to fill up the emptiness and silence in a Room. We get surprised when our wishes come true. How often have you wished someone or something out of your life in anger? How often have you told a person that you hated their guts, only to find out later that something bad had befallen that same person?
What about in your relationship? How often have you spoken ill of your Partner and have been spiteful, mean spirited, wished them gone from you? Told them you would like nothing better then for them to disappear from your life?
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