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The dogmatic atheist

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icymist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-02-08 10:06 PM
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The dogmatic atheist
Atheist good, believer bad? Lots of books on the best-seller lists would have you think so of late. But it’s never as clear cut as that – especially when some atheists are becoming as shrill as the fundamentalists they decry.

The new breed of atheist writers will present the same tired old arguments, again and again. They will pick the same easy targets – the Catholic Church's chequered past, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the most repressive of Islamic states, fundamentalist-driven (or rationalised, rather) terrorism, priests' sexual abuse of choirboys, those silly televangelists, and, of course, George W. Bush getting his orders to invade another country from his conversations with God.

Guardian Online blogger Theo Hobson put it best: “I consider the atheist's desire to generalise about religion to be a case of intellectual cowardice. The intellectual coward is one who chooses simplicity over complexity and difficulty. The militant atheist chooses to uphold a worldview of Animal Farm crudity: atheist good, believer bad. He has to believe this; it is his claim to the moral high ground.”

Author and journalist Hitchens writes that religion is “violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children.”

Can't imagine why someone would describe Wiccans as being “contemptuous of women”. (Wicca is a religion many describe as witchcraft and its followers are considered to be very women-centric.)

Read the whole article
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Hellenic_Pagan Donating Member (201 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-13-08 09:35 PM
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1. I agree...
I am a newbie to DU - I joined tonight - and already I have see posts by people saying "All believers ____" "All religions are evil" "All believers should be killed" and other stuff that I classify as hatespeech.

I am kinda used to seeing this sort of stuff from fundie xians, but i'm not used to seeing it from athiests or other groups of people. I am really surprised to see it here on DU.

I'm still trying to find my way around this site, but I would like tips on how to avoid this kinda hate in the future, if possible.

Thanks for the great posts!

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