Currently we are working on petitioning the government to provide Thor's hammer engraving instead of the cross for headstones for those soldiers killed in combat.
This is the wording of our petition to get Thor's Hammer
added to the Veteran's Administration list of Emblems of Belief:
We, the undersigned, understand that most often it isn't until a soldier or veteran dies
and the family makes the request that a new symbol is taken under consideration.
However, no man or woman, who is willing to lay down their life for this country
and it's citizens, should ever have to go into harm's way not knowing whether or not
the symbol of their belief will be allowed on their headstone.
We also understand that the Asatru Folk Assembly, an IRS recognized 501(c)3 organization,
has requested that Thor's Hammer, Mjolnir, be added to the list of approved emblems
for use on government provided headstones.
There are Asatru followers who are right now in Iraq and Afghanistan and others
that will be deployed shortly. They and their families deserve to know that,
if they should be killed, Thor's Hammer will be allowed upon their
Dept of Veterans Affairs provided headstone.
It took eight years and a court battle after the death of a Wiccan soldier
before the Pentacle was added. That shouldn't happen to any soldier's grave.
No Christian goes into battle without knowing that a cross, of their choice,
will be on their government provided headstone. We are asking that one symbol,
Thor's Hammer, of the Asatru faith to be added to the approved list.">sign petition