I have to give credit for one of the wingnuttiest of wingnut claims about Sen. Obama.
Now we know that various of the wingnuts against Obama been pimping the idea that he's a "secret Muslim". But now it seems that they're also claiming his parents and grandparents were Wiccan. And not just any Wiccan - Marxist Wiccans from Kansas!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk_CZVwQWCAAt about the 2:13 mark in the video, you start getting this:
(Panel) (Map of the United States with Kansas in Red)
(Panel) <i>"Southern Kansas was settled by many peasent farmers from Ireland and Wales, who brought with them a native Earth-centered religion of the Druids. Today we know this religion as one of the "Pagan" religions called Wicca"</i>
(Panel) <i>"The Wiccan religion still thrives there today, and for many years has been in conflict with the prevalent Christianity of Kansas. The Wiccans there still feel persecuted to some extent today, but are not afraid to show their presence."</i>
(Panel) (Screenshot of the webpage for The Kansas Pagan Alliance)
(Panel) (Picture of a shirt with a flyer for the "WPA - Wiccan Pagan Alliance" at University of Kansas)
(Panel) "Wicca is mentioned here, because Barack Obama's grandparents moved halfway across the United States, from one of the centers of Wiccan religion to another; evidently to be able to attend a Wiccan-oriented "Church."
(Panel) (Picture of the UU symbol at the East Shore Unitarian Church, with the caption "Wiccan altar in the 'Obama Family Church'")
(Panel) "But besides the Wiccan religion, there is a second ideological thread that runs though the narrative. Communism"
Next is a batch of supposed links of Obama's family and their "red ties", and the move to "Belleview, Washington", and his mother attending classes in the "leftist/Communist enviroment" of Mercer Island High School, and then goes to a section on the UU church and their homeschooling programme
(Panel) "Consistent with the teaching of Wicca, ancient Latin is taught to 5th grade children. An expert source indicates this is the preferred language for 'spells' in the dark arts...."
Basically the claim they're making is that the UU Church in question wears red to show their support for Red China, and is a "100% Jesus Free Wiccan Church" because their homeschooling programme was listed on The Witches Voice. It's like the video version of a Jack Chick tract, they put 2 and 2 together and came up with "Purple"