I'm going to be doing a three-day vision quest next week, and I'm looking for suggestions. Here's what I have planned so far:
I'll be doing it alone, in the Southern Ontario (Canada) woods at a location I've already scouted. The place has excellent energy, and is watched over by my totem (the vulture). I'll be opening sacred space in a ten-foot diameter circle, marked out by a natural fiber rope. I'll be dedicating the four cardinal points to qualities I've chosen: East for awakening, South for passion, West for grounding, North for wisdom. I'll be smudging myself and the circle. I will take into the circle only a mat, a blanket, my journal and water. Clothing will be minimal, but will include a poncho for rain. If possible I may do it nude. No food. No bug spray :-) I will spend the entire time in the circle, except for bio-breaks. Most of the time I expect to spend in meditation or just sitting. If possible I won't sleep, but I won't beat myself up if I doze off.
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Is there anything I've missed?