The Earth is our Mother...we must take care of her.. The Earth is our Mother...we must take care of her... Ke a wakan, langa langa mohatay...hiyano, hiyano, hiyano.. Ke a wakan, langa lang mohatay..hiyano, hiyano, hiyano..
The ground we walk is Sacred..with every step we take.. The ground we walk is Sacred...with every step we take.. Ke a wakan, langa lang mohatay..hiyano, hiyano, hiyano.. Ke a wakan, langa lang mohatay..hiyano, hiyano, hiyano..
We are One in the infinate sun..together forever and ever.. We are One in the infinate sun...together forever and ever.. Ke a wakan, langa lang mohatay..hiyano, hiyano, hiyano.. Ke a wakan, langa lang mohatay..hiyano, hiyano, hiyano..
We are doing a lot of work now on our chants now we have the band room set back up for performing etc..you will be surpised at how much more room and how good it looks now. I know your roommate likes to sing..perhaps some class night you will both join us in chants.