Dear Reader,
I feel I should apologize for the post you are about to read. I don’t know how politically correct it is, or if I will regret writing it. I only hope that the message can get out. Still, I’m sorry for doing this, but it has to be done.
Witchful Thinking
Dear Dominant American Religious Culture,
No. Really. Thank you, but no. I already have a religion. A legitimate one. At least, it’s just as legitimate as yours.
Actually, I already know quite a bit about Jesus and how to save my soul. I’ve probably read more of that book than you have. I spent many years in research and have made a careful, rational decision that this is the religion for me. I’ve already eliminated your religion as one that is right for me.
I also know more about my religion than you do. So stop telling me that I’m worshiping Satan when I know for a fact that I am not.
I do believe in God. Which one are we talking about?
I’m sorry, but your religion excludes people like me. You know. Women. And people who I am fond of, like homosexuals. And people who think outside the box. And people who practice magic. So you see, there is no point in converting if you are going to excommunicate me anyway.
Actually, we have a system of ethics that is more comprehensive than yours and engages the practitioner in a constant dialogue with justice, morality and common sense.