Project Witches Protection (PWP) “increases public awareness of Witchcraft as a religion in the United States of America and protects the civil rights of Witches nationwide.” President Rev. Rick Carvino, H.P., says, “We try to educate people, especially Witches and pagans; they are protected under the federal government; they do have rights…. A lot of people don’t realize that.” Witchcraft was recognized as a legitimate religion by the United States government in Dettmer v. Landon, in Virginia, in 1985, PWP’s treasurer Rev. Rhonda Flynn, H.Ps., explains.
PWP pursues its goal in several ways. In the past it has sent mailings to all members of the Senate and Congress, and some local officials, educating them about Witchcraft. PWP also helps Witches and pagans who experience discrimination. Rev. Carvino says, “Everybody who writes to us will be answered… We ask people
to get us the names of all the people involved…their supervisor, the mayor… We send all these people a mailing.”
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