Mary Sharratt, who grew up in Minnesota, has witches in her back yard.
Sharratt and her husband live in Lancashire on the Irish Sea in northwestern England. From her study window, the 45-year-old author can see Pendle Hill, part of the landscape where the famous Lancashire witches lived until they were hanged in 1612.
"In the beginning, I made the mistake of thinking these witches belonged to the realm of fairy tale and folklore," Sharratt said. "But they were real people, and I felt duty-bound as an author to be their advocate and set the historical record straight, give them justice and a voice."
She does that in her mesmerizing new novel "Daughters of the Witching Hill," told in the voices of Beth Southerns, known as Mother Demdike; Demdike's daughter, Liza, whose bulging and uneven eyes frightened people; and Liza's daughter, Alizon.
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