It's great to hear another blessed voice! People have actually been calling this forum 'The icymist forum' and nothing could be further from the truth.... This is the DU. We should be discussing these subjects. I was beginning to think that the subject matter here was only interesting to myself and frankly, I could make the rounds of the news-wires, which I do anyway, and just not bother posting them here. That would make the skeptics happy. There's a lot going on, too, with the stupid way the press is treating Wicca as part of the reason why a murder did what she did in Arizona. You would never hear 'Christian Ritual Yields Human Sacrifice' yet these media whores have no problem at all trashing this small, recognized, religion in their headlines! Then there's those idiots in Amarillo, TX bringing real pain and suffering by driving people from jobs and housing because THEY declared then ungodly! What else am I to believe but that these subjects don't matter to the people on this board.
Whew! Guess I'm in ranting mode today. Anyway, glad to hear another voice. Blessed Be, icy