Witches have feelings too
So, it appears that it is the Witches and Pagans turn to be noticed - not all attention is good attention. Pagan is the umbrella name for all paths that are Wiccan, Western Mystery Tradition, Witchcraft, Asatru, etc. It's the one identifier that we can all agree on and we don't agree on anything.
One thing I want to do is snip in the bud the notion it is okay to make fun of witches because one person "dabbled" in it. One thing I will say, all this negative she is getting is reflective of "dabbling" and how it can bite you in the butt.
We are not a religion, we have no dogma, and have a great sense of personal responsbility. Path fits better.
I know many on this board are atheist or agnostic, but that still doesn't give anyone the right to laugh and point fingers at our spiritual path. One question that many are asked, "why would pick a religion that no one understands or is scared of?" Not unlike being gay, it's something you are born with and can never really discuss with those who aren't Pagan. Imagine being a child who reads a lot, has a whole different of how deity should be portrayed and told to grow out of it, as if a spiritual path is a buffet line, that you pick and choose at random? This path picks you and sometimes is a hard mantle to wear. Imagine never being able to say what you belive when asked. To keep your job, you lie or hem and haw, and quickly change the subject.
Christine McConnell just set us back decades. A lot of us lived though the pre-Bush years when Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich, and George Bush tried everything in their power to strip us of our Constititutional right of practicing our path any which way we choose. Websites were developed at this time, that are still alive and well, to keep us apprised of those who know nothing of true spiritual rights of our citizenry. Very few "outsiders" aren't aware of this history. You had/have no skin in the game, so why should you? We remember very well those years and I am wincing now from the very same comments and laughter on this board today from the very same people who would never use the "N" word, but think nothing of making fun of me and mine.
This is not a conversion discussion but to let you know we are very real and take our spiritual practices seriously. The one thing that no one has ever really figured out, is just how many of us are out here. I read a scholarly post back in 1999 that said, based on sales and websites, and very good filtering, that at that time 13,000,000 Pagans existed. Just think of the number now.
As I stated in another thread, maybe it is a good thing that we are noticed. Maybe then we can be treated as full citizens, with the same religious rights as everyone else. Maybe it is time that we do stand up. But then there are the those who's outer wear makes our inner path look trite. The Buffy-ites and Charmers, who read one book and exclaim, I Am A Witch! Nothing in life is every that easy. It takes time and personal dedication and lots of reading and research and all the things that anyone who trains, whether in athletics or science, does. There is no such thing as an Insta-Witch.
I feel like a whiner and saying "but what about us?" As stated before, if it hadn't been for the late 1990s, I never would have said anything and just brushed it off as business as usual, as always. This time it needs to be said, that we aren't today's laughing stock or news byte. We have feelings too you know.
Many Blessings and Peace,