Essentially, we come from the Tao.....and the soul evolves over the centuries....learning lessons.
The ninth, tenth and eleventh rows on the chart are headed up with the title "CASTING". According to Michael, souls are fragments of a larger unit called the "Entity". Entire Entities are "cast" (formed) from the infinite eternal absolute, the Creator which Michael calls the "Tao". Each Entity is made up of between one thousand and twelve hundred fragments. Seven Entities are cast at the same time, forming a yet larger unit called the "Cadre". The seven Entities in the Cadre are numbered from one to seven. When Entities fragment into souls for the purpose of incarnation, they do so in groups of seven. These groups are called "Cadences", and they too are numbered from one to seven. The seven souls in each Cadence are also numbered from one to seven, and this is their Position. Here we have the explanation of the three columns under the CASTING heading on the chart. The first row, "ENTITY", is the designated number of the Entity within its Cadre. The second row, "CADENCE", is the designated number of the Cadence within its Entity. The third row, "POSITION", is the designated position of the fragment within its Cadence. Like Role, Casting does not change from lifetime to lifetime. After its learning on the physical plane is complete, the soul continues its evolution on the astral, mental and causal planes. The evolution consists of the reuniting and reintegration of the Cadence, the Entity and the Cadre, in that order. (Michael says that they are a reunited Entity, and that they consist of Warrior and King fragments.) SOUL AGES
Michael says the soul goes through seven "Ages" in its evolution back to the creator, in sequential reincarnations. The Age of a person's soul determines the maturity of their perceptions, the depth of their personality, the focus of their interests, the nature of their ethics, the degree of their common sense, and the breadth of their understanding of the world and of their relationships. However, older souls are not "better" than younger souls any more than seniors are better than teenagers — they are just older. This is not unlike the maturation of people during their lives — hence the names of the Ages. In the following explanation of each Age, the number in parentheses is the approximate percentage of the world population in that Age.
More: Scroll down for soul age descriptions.