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Hey, I was in a documentary.

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Chovexani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 08:32 PM
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Hey, I was in a documentary.
Here's the link. (I'm "Jessi" the goth chick halfway down the page). Several years ago I used to hang out at a local Pagan store (and worked there for a while), and was asked to participate in a documentary on modern Witches in America. I was interviewed and they filmed me doing up a candle a few years after the initial interview. I was only 17 at the time and was apprehensive about doing it because of my fundie mom (which is why my last name isn't up there), but I'm glad I did because too often people (even a lot of Pagans) assume every teen involved in Wicca is just doing it because it's a fad, and it's only a phase. I wanted to present another persepective and from what Lorri (the director) told me I came off pretty well in it. :) It was a really great experience, Lorri and everyone involved were just really super. There was no sensationalism whatsoever, they just wanted to present an honest look into a misunderstood practice and their respect really shone through.

BTW, if anyone will be in the NYC area Dec. 20th there is going to be a screening/fundraiser at Anthology Film Archives, the info is on the site.
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Khephra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 03:08 AM
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1. Lucky you!
My closest claim to occult fame is being (albeit in hooded robe that doesn't show my face) in a book on Satanism called "Painted Black". It's back from when I was in the OTO way back in the way back. We held an open house and ended up welcoming in to our fete an undercover Fundie "investigative" reporter.
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Chovexani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 03:34 PM
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4. LOL
That sounds funny as hell, actually. :evilgrin:

We never got any undercover fundies at the store. My mom DID slip a copy of "Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie" into my backpack once. That book was comedy gold. Apparently the guy who wrote it is some Chick devotee who has claimed to be everything from an Alexandrian high priest, 33rd Degree Mason, Satanic high priest, master astrologer, and um I think he also was a druid. :crazy:

Oh, those wacky fundies.
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Cerridwen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 08:33 AM
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2. Congratulations! Very nice picture of you. :-)
It looks like a great piece of work.

Do you have any idea if those of us who are interested could get a copy of it; either for personal or for our local library? I'm waaaay over here in Nevada but I'd like very much to see the documentary. Maybe I should just send an email to the link on the page?

Anyhoo, good on ya!

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Chovexani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 03:30 PM
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3. I'm not sure, but I will definitely ask!
It does look really awesome, and lots of love and care went into it.
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LibertyLover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 12:48 AM
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5. Congratulations on the documentary
That is great I understand what you mean about your mom. Several years ago the circle I worked with was filmed by a local television station. I was one of the people interviewed on camera because I looked "normal" since I was in my normal work clothes, i.e. a suit. My husband was thrilled and excited but we didn't tell my mom because she was ill at the time, as well as being an atheist. She would have been extremely disappointed to know that her daughter had a religion-LOL. Anyway, at the time one of my cousin's husbands worked for the tv station as a sports reporter and he was passing the editing room as they were working on the tape. He heard my voice, recognized it and went in to see what it was all about. He then told the family and his mother-in-law called my mom all excited to tell her when the interview was going to be aired. I should add that I was "out of the broom closet" to all my family except one older aunt and my mom. The family was excited about the interview. My mother never mentioned anything about it to me at all. In fact, she died about 2 months later without so much as acknowledging that she had watched it - although she did say something about the interview to my cousin. Go figure.
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Chovexani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 08:22 AM
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6. Update
I went to the screening on Monday night and despite it being colder than the proverbial witch's teet outside (coldest night of the year in NYC!), the arthouse was packed. And good thing it was, because the film was really, really good. It was magical and inspiring and very moving. I also managed not to completely embarrass myself, which was great. It was a rough cut (as evidenced by a few technical glitches), and still needs some post-production work. The screening was also a fundraiser...they need something like $35k to finish it, and Lorri started it with her own money. When it was over, there was a short Q&A session with Lorri, myself and the other Witches featured in the film, and then we all went across the street to get drunk. :) I was bummed out because I ended up going by myself, but I'm glad I went because I met a lot of people who said the film, and my part in it, impacted them in a positive way. It was pretty mindblowing, actually. I was approached by someone from the Witches' Voice website who is putting together an anthology of essays written by young people in the Craft and wanted to know if I was interested in submitting something. I always wanted to be published, I just didn't think it would ever be like that, hehe.

It was weird seeing myself on film, because it was a number of years ago and it was when I had just started out in my studies. Especially considering that the other Witches that were in it were all well-known in the local community, were published authors, etc (Margot Adler was in it!). I was just some teenager that loitered around a magick shop too much. :P is the website, and I'm mentioning it again because it will be updated with info about how to obtain a copy when it's finished, etc. It's a really wonderful documentary and I'm not saying that just because I was in it, I promise. :)
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