Last night I started doing "Truth come out" magick. Duh, what took me so long to think of it? It's been over a month since the Great Heist. I intend to keep repeating the magick.
After I form sacred space, I set up a sigil that I created to symbolize this working. I state that this working will, besides doing its direct work, also establish and empower the sigil as a symbol of the work.
Then I invoke divine presence and raise some power. I visualize truth welling up all over the country. I visualize it as light or an etheric substance rising up from the ground, lifting, surrounding, and/or filling everyone and everything. A presence that can't be denied. Whoever tries to hide it or suppress it is instead engulfed by it, and they have no power to stop or impede its rise.
Then I broadcast messages to various groups of people, something like these:
To those who did or participated in the Heist: The truth is coming out. You know it's coming out and nothing you can do will stop it. The rising tide will utterly sweep you away (accompanied with symbolic visualization) if you don't come clean and tell all. Save as much of yourself as you can by telling the truth now.
To those who didn't actually participate but know something of what happened: You feel a growing need to tell all that you know. Your conscience compels you. (Visualization of the truth/light surrounding and gradually filling them up, and insisting on coming forth from them.) (Also visualization of protective light surrounding them, because these folks are gonna need protection when they speak of what they know.)
To investigators (i.e., reporters, law enforcement, etc.): You know something is wrong. There's no denying it. Look at Ukraine; we knew something was wrong because of exit polls. Look at all the ways they try to hide, delay, stonewall all recounts and requests for public records and any kind of investigation. What are they hiding? What are they hiding? I visualize them opening their eyes to the rising truth all around them, and also being wise and discerning to know what and whom to believe and pay attention to.
To media big wheels (corporate owners, executives, and managers): Media whores! Your dishonesty, sloth, and bias destroy you. You report Ukrainian irregularities without a trace of irony. You tell us that people lie to exit pollsters about whom they voted for and tell the truth about why they voted for him, and that this strange behavior never happened in all of history except in America since Dumbya first ran for president. If you cover up and don't lead on this biggest story of your lives, you perish and die (the corporate you, not the individuals--I'm not Pat Robertson praying for them to die) and are utterly destroyed. (Visualization of them swept away on the rising tide of the truth/light.) This irresistible tide washes you away in a torrent.
To the general public: You know something's wrong. Look at Ukraine. Look at exit poll contradictions. Look at how they hide all they do. What are they hiding? What are they hiding? Why would they even think of not having an audit trail? You know there's only one reason. (Visualization of the truth/light continuing to rise, filling people, their eyes opening and seeing it in front of them, and then their sudden knowing, recognizing looks.)
Then I repeat visualization of truth/light/ether rising, surrounding, filling, washing away any who try to hold it down or hide it or suppress it. Direct energy into energizing the sigil and connect sigil to universal energy source to keep powering it even when my ritual is done.
Ground, thank divine presence, usual ritual ending activity.
I invite anyone to do something similar, to your taste and preferences. Multiply our power. Together maybe we can make a difference, even if we can't be there to watch recounts or go through Board of Elections dumpsters.
To those who say that some of this violates someone's free will, I have two alternate responses: 1) Don't do the parts you don't like. Just do truth rising up and coming out. 2) Nearly any magick violates someone's free will somehow. The British witches who raised the storms to stop Hitler's invasion violated Hitler's free will too. Bravo for them. Bushler's Putsch violates America's free will.