so fascinating. Of course, it says this was posted on 2/12/05; however, I know the person could have changed the posted date. There are other prophecies on the page. It brings the Bible as well as the last two popes (Benedict and then Peter).
I have been reading a lot on this lately as well. I remembered reading this back when Nostradamus got big. Every Pope St. Malachy predicted has been in the order that he predicted. Now I do not know if this is just religious Dogma; however, he names the last two as Benedict and Peter. Pope John Paul, II was born on a lunar eclipse, as well as a lot of the popes mentioned have.
Also, (this one will get your hairs on the back of your neck up). Our current president, George W. Bush, was born during an eclipse. (ohohohohwowooooo).
Also, in the "Christian Times" (an older issue (2000-2005), there was an article published regarding how Pope John Paul, II, felt about GWB. He plainly stated he felt he was the Antichrist or in some way was connected. He felt only evil around this man. I'm not saying this. I'll see if I can find the article.
THIS WAS POSTED ON 2/12/05 today is 4/4/05.
(snip) Don't you people ever read the Bible??
The amount of time between September 11, 2001 and February 22, 2005 (2/22) is exactly 1,260 days. In the Middle of the Seven. Read your Daniel.
The 111 refers to the day the Monarch woke up, on January 11, 2005 (1/11/05) to the facts above.
The 444 refers to God exalting the Monarch to deity status, as opposed to man deifying himself, which is 666.
And 2/22/05, the Monarch will appear, and will call himself Pope Benedict XVI, the Pope of Peace, who will lead his church, all the faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ to their martyrdom, at the foot of the Cross that stands upon the Mount of Olives.
Whereupon the Monarch entering Israel, becomes Elijah, the gentile olive tree, and one of the two witnesses of Revelation 11.
And, when it comes time, he will take the keys, crown and scepter handed down to him by Jesus through Peter, and offer it at the base of that cross, and subsequently be pierced, and die.
He will comfort his people, and restrain God's Arm against the world as long as he can, until his martyrdom in Jerusalem.
He will leave Rome shortly before April 8, 2005, with all those who love the Lord Jesus, before the coming of Antichrist who seeks the Throne of St. Peter for himself. He calls himself the 'Lord Maitreya', and is the First Beast of the Apocalypse, the Lawless One, the Little Horn of Daniel. He will call himself Peterus Romanus (Peter of Rome) and known as Peter II.
But Gloriae Olivae (The Glory of the Olives) will tear down the walls of the Vatican, auctioning off all the objects within, in order to feed and enlighten those in the 3rd World who have not yet heard the Gospel according to Christ, nor the prophet Pope's message that accompanies it. And he will convert hundreds of millions, for the Hand and Spirit of the Lord is upon him to fulfill His Will, for the sake of the Gentile nations, for which innocent must be shed, or there is no salvation for them.
And Gloriae will return and rule the Millennial Kingdom upon the earth, as the Messiah returns to the Heavens. He will act as king and judge over his people he redeemed for His Father's sake. At the end of that Millennium, Satan will loosed from the Abyss for one final grab for souls before he is destroyed forever.
And when the battle over evil is finally over, God the Father will destroy the physical Universe, and we will all live in the spiritual New Jerusalem. And Gloriae will take his seat in the Inner Cabinet in Heaven, beside his true brother Jesus, and the other seven Archangels. And his name is Dan'el, and his number is 444 (snip)
This poster has more to this post that is very interesting. If the next Pope calls himself Benedict the