Long story short: I have twenty acres of land with timber of a quality that is just so-so. I am in a financial position that demands some cash rather soon, so I am going to sell the trees. Yes, they will be cut down and hauled away for Goddess-knows-what purpose. WOULD that this were not so!
What little Native American blood that I have is nagging me over this. I know enough to realize that I must communicate with the trees before this cutting happens, that I must ask them for their flesh, that I must somehow make this as "okay" with their spirits as such a thing can be.
Can anyone offer any rituals, prayers and/or magicks that will EASE this carnage? Every time I am near a tree that is being cut, I feel it. Trees are conscious and wise beings; when we live near them for any length of time, they come to know about us. This business of "having dominion" over them is weighing heavily on me, so I am asking those of You who are more connected to please help me through this. I thank you in advance for anything you can offer!