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Heads up, more lies about "Hitler was a pagan"

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Ancient Wisdom and Pagan Spirituality Group Donate to DU
joefree1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-16-05 12:04 PM
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Heads up, more lies about "Hitler was a pagan"
Edited on Wed Mar-16-05 12:06 PM by joefree1
Our Future Allies
By Bruce Walker
March 15, 2005

Once the misdirected envy which Arabs and Moslems feel toward the post-Holocaust enclave of Israel is forgotten in happy lands of hope and of accomplishment, then there will be no real reason for Moslem to hate Jew or Christian to fear Moslem. All true and pious Moslems, Jews and Christians are united, as President Bush reminds us, by much more than divides us.
There is as much to fear from Pagan Europe, which produced a Pagan Nazi Germany and a militantly atheist Soviet Union, as from a religiously serious Middle East which is free and which is trying to persuade the rest of the world, as America does, by positive example.
So do not be too surprised to find ten years from now that the economic and intellectual vitality of the planet is in not in Berlin, but in Bagdad, not in Sweden, but in Syria, not in Amsterdam, but in Amman. This will work, of course, only if Christians and Jews are full, welcome and safe citizens of former secular tyrannies and pseudo-Islamic theocracies, like the Council of Guardians in Iran.
More ...

The ignorance of this author is only matched by the ridiculousness of a comparison between present day Europe and an imagined Middle East in the future.

Here are a few quotes from very Christian Hitler:

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

More about Hitler and his Christian influences can be seen here:

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Behind the Aegis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-17-05 02:59 AM
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1. Occultism
Many people are too ignorant to know that there is a difference between Occultism and Paganism. The fact is that Hitler was a Christian Occultist focused on Teutonic mythology. So, whereas, he may not have been what they define as Christian, he definately was not Pagan! Anytime people say Christianity and mysticism can't mix, I point them to one of the ORIGINAL three branches of Christianity..Gnosticism! Shuts them up ever time! :)
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