Victor and Cora Anderson? Your name (LostinVA) indicates you may be in the Virginia area? If so, you might want to check out the SpiralHeart Community: They are an eastern branch of Reclaiming, which is founded in Feri (Victor Anderson was Starhawk's teacher). SpiralHeart offers Witchcamps every August in the hills of West Virginia, and they are great. I attended two of them when I lived out east, and highly recommend the experience. If you haven't already discovered it, T. Thorn Coyle (a Reclaiming teacher who was one of my workshop teachers at Witchcamp) has written a book on Feri practice called
Evolutionary Witchcraft. I'm reading it now, and it's quite good. You might also want to try to find Victor Anderson's books:
Thorns of the Blood Rose and
Etheric Anatomy: The Three Selves and Astral Travel; and Cora Anderson's
50 Years in the Feri Tradition. Also, there are several Yahoo email list groups of Reclaiming folks, and one of SpiralHeart folks, too, who might be able to answer some of your questions about Feri. I hope that helps some!