To drop a pebble into a pond, To watch the wave's fan out across it's surface, did you notice the water spider rise and fall with the wave, did you catch the frog as it motions to strike, will the fish be fast enough, to swallow its prey. Who ever would consider all that could happen, from this simple action, of dropping the pebble. As October 31st comes closer, though's of us who follow the different earth born spiritual ways, take this time, to remember all who have come and passed before us, as the veil of shadows thins, the anger of the old year will pass, As this next year begins anew, let a clearer understanding come forth, and welcome all who have remained true to their own beginnings. May your God or God's Lead you, May your Goddess or Goddesses Protect and nurture you. Gaia Has spoken to her children this year, She has shown the wrath of her fury, Now as the wheel turns one more, may the white blanket of winter bring a stronger peace, to them who will stop and listen,