let me know what you think:
Hi ***,
I am a volunteer at ISE. Primarily, I have been doing weekly story times in my child's classroom and acting as homeroom parent. I am truly enjoying the experience.
I have been signing in and out at the volunteer table for the last couple of weeks, and something has been troubling me. There is a sign on the table that says "God Bless America." What perplexes me about this sign is it's obvious conflict with the volunteer contract we signed, stating that we as volunteers shall not preach religious doctrine to students. It troubles me further, because ISE is home to a rainbow of students with different beliefs. Even in my own child's class there are students with different beliefs . I think it would be more respectful if the volunteers of ISE posted a sign that could apply to all students, rather than one that excludes those with different ideologies. I am sure none among us would find comfort in the knowledge that we are isolating our students.
I have listened and thoughtfully considered the argument that since the words "God Bless America" appear on a background of the American Flag, that it is to be considered a patriotic display rather than a religious display. However, by this logic, one could put anything on the background of an American Flag and call it patriotic. Imagine the consternation if a sign was posted that said "Allah Bless America."
It is not my intent to cause problems or headaches for anyone. In short, I respectfully request that the sign be removed.
The Response I received from the Volunteer Coordinator:
I don't know who decided to, or when the sign you are talking about, was put in the entry foyer. It is not my place to say whether it stays or goes. I have a personal preference but that is irrelevant. I forwarded your message to the principal (and him only). Unfortunately, he was out of the school all day today. I'm sure I will get a response on Monday. I'll let you know.
-----end correspondence-------
It will be interesting to see what response I get. I know I can also go the route of "who pays the taxes to fund this school," but I thought perhaps one issue at a time might be appropriate.