Edited on Sun Dec-19-04 03:39 AM by Philostopher
referred to a specific thread, but the poster was concerned about being accused of 'calling out' by linking to the thread in which s/he had experienced the difficulties and, therefore, merely referred to it. Some of us had also been frustrated by the content of the thread to which s/he referred. It wasn't any secret, from the content of the locked thread in this forum, to what the original post referred. Regrettably, it appears further posts were too specific -- I admit, I may have been too specific at some point in the thread. I'll take any lumps required for that, though it appears we're really just hammering out the parameters here and nobody in particular is going to have to do that before those parameters are set.
It wasn't the 'dominant majority' that caused the poster to feel the way s/he did, and the content of the thread reveals that. There were specific problems the OP had with specific posters in the thread s/he didn't want to 'call out' that was referenced. While I agree with the decision to lock that thread when it was locked, I must say that the impetus to post it wasn't to smear all Christians here, or to insinuate that all theists on DU are a problem. I can see why what ultimately evolved in the thread was problematic, and required locking, but the original motivation to post the thread (while the subject line was perhaps more broad than the poster intended) wasn't nearly so broad, if I can take the liberty of translating the intentions of the starting post.
After the original poster had been advised that the best alternative for dealing with such experiences was to ignore posters with whom s/he had a problem, or to hide problematic threads, I suppose it's legitimate to say the purpose of the thread had been served and it could have been locked.
Bottom line, the 'big tent' party we all claim includes people from a wide spectrum of beliefs (or lacks thereof), and there's the necessity to tolerate that by both believers and non-believers. A specific incident where the poster believed s/he had experienced a lack of tolerance was (if I dont' assume too much) the spur to post the thread in the first place. His/her frustration was with the behavior of a subset of people who posted in the thread, though admittedly the subject line of the thread didn't make that clear.
I think everybody in this forum is aware of reality -- everybody on the site should be. We all have to tolerate the fact that the political left in this country includes those who believe in a higher power and those who don't -- it's reality for everybody, both believer and non-believer. Democrats have, traditionally, been willing to accept that fact; much more ready than Republicans, for that matter.
The thread probably had served its purpose once the original poster had been reassured and advised to hide threads that were problematic or ignore posters with whom s/he had a problem. That's the best advice anybody can give on a site like DU -- some of us are apt to rub each other the wrong way, it's inevitable.
I suppose if we limit ourselves to reminding people who become frustrated over specific incidents that the options to ignore other posters and hide threads are available, that will solve the problem of having threads veer into the dangerously specific. If I hadn't immediately recognized the issue the original poster had, and the thread that brought him/her to a level of frustration that made him/her feel compelled to post such a thing, if I'd responded at all I'd have said 'ignore, alert and hide thread are your friends,' as I often do, and that would have been my sum total contribution to the thread. I've been there, I've done that, and I know that's the superior answer in such a case, and I admit I should have stopped there.
We're all going to have clashes over specific issues from time to time; if we all marched in lockstep, DU wouldn't be a decent place for liberals to hang out. Democrats are supposed to be tolerant and inclusive. I don't honestly think the original intention of that thread was to exclude a large group of perceived 'others' so much as to articluate the frustration due to a perception of exclusion the original poster was feeling at the time. It went on longer than it should have, probably. That's my take on the whole issue, anyhow.