The populace is soft, lazy and dumbed down enough to not ask the right questions or understand the answers and implications. Critical thinking skills are, sadly, quite a rare commodity these days. The propoganda and framing of the issues has been mastered so thoroughly by the other side that they can easily dismiss any legitimate questions as "conspiracy theories" thereby immediately and throughly shutting down any rational examination of the issue as soon as it arises.
The people responsible started laying the groundwork for this quite some time ago and they were deliberate and thorough and essentially unchallenged. To counteract it (if it's possible), it's either going to take a lot of serious, hard work, time, intelligence and luck and it still may not be doable. Or it's going to take something drastic and messy, and no one wants that and that may not even counteract them, but rather destroy everything to start anew.
Unfortunately for just about everyone, unless something is done, the only end is a bad one. The current course is unsustainable and can only end in disaster. The only one's who may be safe are the one's at the very top, who have the resources to build their hardened bunkers and hoarde years and years of supplies.