on the Election forum. I don't even mention GD, or LBN and its the-pope-is-not-with-us-real-Xians-type posts. No, I'm talking about the complete blindness of otherwise apparently intelligent people, who maintain all sorts of bizarre beliefs about Kerry this, Kerry that, and who don't even react any longer to the mere fact that not a fucking single heavy-weight democrat (including those who wouldn't have a cent to lose) has opened his/her professionally trained big mouth to risk a statement exposing the fact that this election has been squarely stolen! Instead, these people behave like cultists who will cling to their belief even if, or even more if, it is completely contradicted by reality. The space-ship did not come pick us up today as announced, well that's because it will come in 10 years from now. Minor glitch, that's all. People, I'm telling you, this is, again, about belief! In the mean time, instead of waiting and chanting for the mother-ship to appear out of the cumulus lenticulus, the same people could have spent the same energy, perhaps with better results, yelling and screaming at the so-called "leaders" who don't lead a fucking thing except comfy lives. Instead of lighting a freakin' fire under their asses, they worship their power and enervingly await for a judgement day where "you'll see what you'll see". It is the same belief. The exact very same. And since skies are cloudy tonight, I can't even go out and gaze at the Cassini division. Hence my venting.