Courtesy of the American Family Association. Maher, host of HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher , says that all Christians are crazy and are unenlightened because of their faith. Maher made the comments on MSNBC's Scarborough Country.
Maher said: "We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion…I think that religion stops people from thinking. I think it justifies crazies. I think that flying planes in a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder. If you look at it logically, it's something that was drilled into your head when you were a small child."
"When you look at belief in such things--as do you go to heaven, is there a devil--we have more in common with (Muslin countries) Turkey and Iran and Syria than we do with European nations and Canada and nations that, yes, I would consider more enlightened that us."
Maher said he wasn't speaking only of evangelicals, but included all religious people. He said he agreed with Jesse Ventura "who had that quote about religion is a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers."
Because of their neurological disorder, he said Christians "do not believe in science and rationality." He went on to say the future does not belong to religion. One recalls the famous quote from the Beatles in the 60's that they "were more popular than Jesus."
According to Maher, the Bible is a book of fairy tales, calling the account of Jonah a fairy tale the same as Jack in the Beanstalk.
Had Maher said such things about homosexuals, he would have been immediately fired. But because he was speaking of Christians, his bigotry was acceptable to HBO, owned by Time Warner Inc.
Send Mr. Maher an email saying you regret he has such a low view of Christians, and will pray that he be "enlightened" as to the true nature of Christianity. Explain to him that Christians appreciate the good science does and most Christians are rational individuals.
This is Maher's HBO e-mail address if you care to drop him a note, he'll certainly be getting loads of nasty e-mails from the other side.
The total transcript from the show is here: relevant section is this:
SCARBOROUGH: Well, let`s talk about -- I always love a guy that can laugh at his own jokes.
SCARBOROUGH: So, anyway, let`s talk about something that Gary Wills wrote. And I think Maureen Dowd echoed with sentiment.
After the election when we found out that 22 percent of Americans, based on some exit polls, said morality was their top issue, Gary Wills said that any country with evangelicals that voted for George Bush who believe in the virgin birth more than they believe in evolution can`t be an enlightened nation.
And Gary Wills basically compared America to al Qaeda. That`s a little harsh, isn`t it?
MAHER: That is too harsh.
SCARBOROUGH: People of faith can step forward, get involved in the process, believe in Jesus, and still vote for George Bush without being an ignorant peasant, can`t they?
MAHER: Well, I think comparing them to al Qaeda is too harsh, but that`s because al Qaeda is a terrorist organization.
But do we have more in common -- and I am not the first one to say this. I have read this many times. We have more in common with the people, some of the nations who we are aligned against, when you look at beliefs in such things as, do you go to heaven, is there a devil, we have more in common with Turkey and Iran and Syria than we do with European nations and Canada and nations that, yes, I would consider more enlightened than us.
Yes, we are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think that religion stops people from thinking. I think it justifies crazies. I think flying planes into a building was a faith- based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder. If you look at it logically, it`s something that was drilled into your head when you were a small child. It certainly was drilled into mine at that age. And you really can`t be responsible when you are a kid for what adults put into your head.
But when you become an adult, you can then have it drilled out. And you should.
SCARBOROUGH: So, you are saying that the millions and millions of Americans who go to church every week or go to synagogue...
MAHER: Have a neurological disorder, yes.
SCARBOROUGH: Have a neurological disorder. So I -- so, so...
MAHER: It`s something that happened to them when they were a child. They were told...
SCARBOROUGH: So, I believe in Jesus. I believe in heaven. I believe in hell. I believe in good.
MAHER: Right.
SCARBOROUGH: I believe in evil.
Tell me how that neurological -- and I am talking about myself. How does that neurological disorder impact me day in and day out? Because some people would argue it actually makes me healthier, makes me a better member of society, makes sure that I respect other people`s opinions.
MAHER: Are you kidding? Respect other people`s opinions?
MAHER: Would we be having this debate about whether gay people can lead their lives just like any other people if it wasn`t for religion? Religion makes people not respect other people`s lives.
SCARBOROUGH: I mean, come on. I mean, you look at all of these states. You can look at Missouri. Like, they had a vote on a referendum on gay marriage. My gosh, what, 70 -- I think 70, 75 percent of the people in Missouri voted against gay marriage. That wasn`t because 75 percent of the people in Missouri are evangelicals.
What about the people that beat Matthew Shepherd to death in Wyoming? You think they were worshipping Jesus before they went out and beat him to death?
MAHER: Well, no, but why are you conflating those two things? It`s one thing to beat someone to death. That`s just a crime.
SCARBOROUGH: Because they`re gay. No, no, it was hatred of him because he was guy.
MAHER: I understand that.
But, first of all, I think the vote in Missouri and a lot of other states is because people are religious. They don`t have to be evangelical, but they`re religious. They believe in religion, which as -- I think it was Jesse Ventura who had that quote about religion is a crutch for weak- minded people who need strength in numbers.
SCARBOROUGH: Yes. I think Hitler also said that.
MAHER: No, not -- well, Jesse...
SCARBOROUGH: No. Hitler said something -- I remember when I heard Jesse Ventura saying that, I said, God, that sounds an awful lot like Adolf Hitler, doesn`t it?
MAHER: Well, you know, even a broken watch is right twice a day right.
SCARBOROUGH: So Hitler was right.
MAHER: The point is, well, even Ted Kaczynski was right about a couple of things. It doesn`t mean I agree that he should be blowing things up. Tim McVeigh had some good points. It doesn`t mean I agree with his method of putting those points across.
But when people say to me, you hate America, I don`t hate America. I love America. I am just embarrassed that it has been taken over by people like evangelicals, by people who do not believe in science and rationality. It is the 21st century. And I will tell you, my friend. The future does not belong to the evangelicals. The future does not belong to religion. And I know that...
SCARBOROUGH: I would actually -- I would argue actually just the opposite.
SCARBOROUGH: If you look at historical trends, you look what`s happened since the 1960s to right now, actually, America has become more evangelical.
MAHER: Yes, but it`s..
SCARBOROUGH: I mean, gosh, when you look at the Grammy Awards, and this guy gets out and he sings rap -- he raps to "Jesus Walks," the whole place goes crazy. A guy picks up three yards in a football game, he kneels. I would say evangelicals are on the ascendancy.
MAHER: That`s another religion why religion disgusts me, because it is arrogance parading as humility.
There is nothing humble about somebody getting up there and saying, thank you, God, for this award. What they are really saying is, thank you, God, for making me so wonderful and so talented. But, that aside, when you were a kid and they were telling you whatever you believe in religion, do you think if they had switched the fairy tales that the read to you in bed with the Bible, you would know the difference?
Do you think if it was the fairy tale about a man who lived inside of a whale and it was religion that Jack built a beanstalk today, you would know the difference? Why do you believe in one fairy tale and not the other? Just because adults told you it was true and they scared you into believing it, at pain of death, at pain of burning into hell.
MAHER: But if you ever were able to clear your...
SCARBOROUGH: I don`t believe in Jesus -- no, I don`t believe in Jesus because I think I am going to live with angels and harps. If you really think about it for a long time, actually, the concept of eternal life is more frightening than the concept of eternal death. I can`t even comprehend eternal life.
But I believe what I believe because of 41 years here on this Earth. And, again, I respect you not believing in God.
MAHER: But, Joe...
SCARBOROUGH: I don`t think that`s a neurological defect on your part.
MAHER: First of all, I never said I didn`t -- I never said I didn`t believe in God. I said I don`t believe in religion.
MAHER: Religion is...
SCARBOROUGH: Let`s say Jesus Christ.
MAHER: Excuse me. Religion is a bureaucracy between man and God. There`s a very big difference.
SCARBOROUGH: I can agree with you -- I agree with you about that. But I`m talking about...
MAHER: But, Joe, if you were born in Pakistan, you wouldn`t have been -- you wouldn`t be believing in Jesus Christ right now. You would be believing in Muhammad. So it`s completely and terribly arbitrary, isn`t it?
SCARBOROUGH: I wasn`t born in Pakistan, so I don`t know if that`s the case or not.
MAHER: But, if you had been, you wouldn`t be believing in Jesus Christ. You would have been told another fairy tale when you were a child and you would believe that.
SCARBOROUGH: Well, Bill, that`s your opinion.
Stick around. We will be right back with much more. I disagree.
You are watching SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY, where Jesus freaks like me hang out. We`ll be right back.