from a fundi pentecostal non-the-less.
Rather pathetic too, they are still trying to convince people that The Constitution is a religious document and the its entire bases is the babble, which establishes this country as a xtian nation. the source of this bullshit, One News Now, which comes from 'American Family News Network':puke:
If you want to read it here is the link: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/c0004975/Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/OLK7/Default.htm
Here is my rebuttal to him:
I will have to kindly disagree with that opinion piece.
"Bottom line, McCain is not all that conservative but neither is Bob Barr. The truth is that we a Christian nation and our laws are based on…Christian doctrine. This truth does not limit our freedom but enhances freedom for all even those ignorant to our founding."
Still trying to sell the "This is a christian nation" BS? Talk about an untruth and a blatant lie. Tell ya what, if you can find any mention in The Constitution regarding christiandom or god, please let me know and I will concede to you. I am fully aware of the circumstances to this countries founding and it had nothing at all to do with establishing the very thing that they rebelled against.
Crane Durham is being deceptive, typical, considering the source of this 'info'. American Family News Network. James Dobson makes me ill, his entire foundation was established by Eric Prince (Blackwater). If your not familiar, it is a private mercenary organization with a 'crusader' mentality.
Knowing the source, I will write the piece off as BS.
But the best part is, my other co-worker, who is a believer but is not at all a fundi moron, sent a reply that handed the sender his ass. These two know each other and have worked together for years now. It is smashing read, he hits it out of the park. Have a read:
When your article purports to be about "truth" and contains statements like these,
"President Ronald Reagan responding to Daniel Webster's quote regarding the profound importance of the accountability to God."
"his ability to parse language to fool people who do not want to accept that he is a liberal radical" "John McCain has to throw his chief economic advisor under the bus for giving an honest assessment of American economic views."
it is clear that truth has nothing to do with whatever point(s) you are trying to make. Any real Christian (the "few" the Bible speaks of, as opposed to the multitude of "conservative" money lovers and war mongers) already knows that Reagan displayed no outward Christian behavior except for his diatribe. He showed absolutely no compassion for the poor. He had no problem starting unnecessary wars (Grenada) and pocket vetoing a human rights bill, giving his blessing to the deaths of thousands of innocents in El Salvador. Not exactly the best role model if Christ is the centerpiece of one's life.
Calling Obama a liberal radical tells me one of two things about you. Either you are naïve about where Obama is coming from, in which case you shouldn't be making public comments, or more likely because you realize that there are many hopelessly naïve and ignorant people out there who can easily be deceived (because, like other "conservative" demagogues, you understand many choose to be deceived). Anyone who knows anything about Obama knows that - despite right-wing propaganda to the contrary - he is neither very liberal, nor radical by any definition of the word.
In fact, folks like me on the far political left (not a Democrat) are becoming disillusioned in light of the increasing evidence that Obama is not very liberal at all. Of course, conservatives would have to get their heads out of Fox News' and Limbaugh's propaganda to learn for themselves about Obama. By all means, learn something of the "truth" you presume to espouse.
John McCain's chief economic advisor, Phil Gramm, is one of the most devious and evil people ever to disgrace the title of American, all for the rich and even willing to subvert the laws (when he was in the Senate) to the advantage of market speculators and is one of - if not the chief person who is to blame for the mortgage crisis and today's (speculator-driven) high oil prices. (Google "Enron Loophole" and Gramm's role in reviving this practice which was made illegal as a result of the great depression). Gramm's "honest assessment of American economic views" was that he called America a nation of whiners.
From your argument, you obviously agree. I most definitely do not. People who are losing their homes at a rate not seen since the depression and losing jobs by the hundreds of thousands; people who are struggling to pay $4.00 a gallon for gasoline to oil companies who are reaping vulgar profits; people who can't afford basic health care - are labeled (by this multi-millionaire who now works for a foreign bank) to be "whiners". Gramm was elected to the Senate as a Democrat by the people of Texas, but changed parties once elected. If John McCain was an honorable man as he should be, he ought to be happy to throw this villian under the bus - and you, as an American citizen, should be happy to be rid of him.
So please spare the "conservative" version of the "truth", because I subscribe to Christ's version, which is the real truth. I know you don't believe this, but when the Lord returns, he won't be wearing a Republican or a Democratic lapel pin. He won't even be brandishing an American flag. He wont be giving out tickets to heaven for the rich, or those who hunger for war and destruction, simply because they hate homosexuals and renounce abortion. You obviously do not possess an appreciation for the truth; in fact, from the way you echo these talking points and choose to deceive people, I don't see any evidence that you even recognize truth.
I have reached a point that when I hear a "conservative" say "truth", I get a knot in my stomach, because I know full well there will inevitably be another deception coming - "conservatives" shouldn't even be allowed to use the word. There are nonbelievers among us who some day might have an opportunity to come to know Christ. But even a nonbeliever can see through the masquerade of deception to which the right wing pretends to ascribe, so unless they can see true Christians practicing what the Lord taught instead of this appallingly perverted conservative hypocracy practiced by the children of perdition, they will never be attracted to the light. And people like you will share the blame.
You should practice disseminating your right wing propaganda without claiming exclusive blessing from the Almighty. You people use terms like "Christian Nation" and "Christian principles" as though you were actually trying to serve His purpose, when in reality, you preach and practice the exact opposite of principles the Son of God taught. Your hypocracy is painfully obvious - sadly, even to the unbeliever. The Truth Takes a Beating is an ironically descriptive title for your article. I do appreciate your leaving a way to respond, however. This is rare and shows some courage in that you are willing to claim responsibility for your views, warped though they may be.