Palin used AK tax dollars to fund dominionist churches
By dogemperor Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 03:55:47 PM EST
Over the past few days, I've done reporting on Sarah Palin's extensive dominionist connections--including the attempt to run her as a "stealth" dominionist candidate and her connections to some scary dominionist groups including not just "Joel's Army" folks but a far-right Christian Reconstructionist political party linked to domestic terrorism.
As bad as all this--and the scandals regarding her misrule in both Wasilla and as state governor--are, there's apparently still more.
Today, we find that part of those funding scandals include the tax money of Alaskans used to pay for youth programs at Juneau Christian Center. We also reveal info regarding a particularly disturbing Assemblies frontgroup Palin recently did a talk at, and we go into researching the dominionist connections of her most recent church--Wasilla Bible Church.
Your tax dollars, going to support dominionism for kids
In another example of what appears to be some extensive whitewashing at almost all of Palin's former and present churches, there were some very interesting links removed from Kc's site regarding an interesting bit of largesse by Sarah Palin to the church.
Fortunately, an astute blogger happened to archive the material, which included not only documentation of a $25,000 grant to Kc's "The Hub" from Palin's administration, but also a request for $100,000 total in state and federal funding and pictures of Palin actually being at the opening of "The Hub" (which have since been scrubbed from her website).
And all is definitely not as it seems with "The Hub".
"The Hub" is essentially a frontgroup run by JCC for recruitment of future members--much of its activities focus on recruiting kids. The page itself begins with the phrase "Destiny Has Begun!"--a codephrase commonly used in "Joel's Army" circles to denote the "generation of destiny" (the new rebranding of "Joel's Army" borrowed from an Assemblies-linked church in New Zealand, now that the press is starting to catch onto the "Joel's Army" branding). "Destiny" in and of itself is a favourite codephrase in these circles--in "Joel's Army" theology, people are "destined" to inherit all manner of wealth and take over the planet and whatnot.
That's all the Ath/Ag news I have unless you want to type about the search for the Higgs Bosun (OMFG- the Plant Earth will be sent back to the BIG BANG) and the "god" particle and/or some game called Spore which "all atheists are angry about, but aren't they angry about everything?" in Fort Lauderdale