Edited on Fri Nov-14-08 02:36 AM by FM Arouet666
I am an atheist physician and can't think of any resource that would help patients identify other atheists. I am in the closet with only a few VERY close friends/colleagues who know my views on religion. And I live in a very blue town in a very blue state. My senior partners are all christian, the chief of medicine and chief of surgery are fundamentalist christians and I work at a catholic hospital.
But there is hope. While you may not find atheist physicians, the profession is not as conservative as it once was when the AMA was all powerful and greed was god. Progressive professionals tend to group together in areas that are progressive, at least that has been my experience. Living in a blue state/town I have many more progressive colleagues than when I lived in a very red midwest state. If you live in red america you will have a tough time.
Try to be subtle in asking questions, where did they train, BYU = no good, NYU = may be good. Where are they from, Wasilla = no good, San Francisco = may be good. McCain stickers in the doctors parking outside their office = frown. Most docs, including myself, would avoid a patient's direct inquisition so just coming out and asking is probably not going to work. You can be tricky about it too, "You know doc, didn't I see you at my church the other day?" A polite, no couldn't be me, I have been very busy and I don't get to church often." Bingo, you might have an atheist. (I used that line the other day. :evilgrin: )
On edit, I see that you live in New Orleans, pretty red, but still a big city and you have more options in cities. If your looking for an OBGYN go to planned parenthood and ask who they recommend. If you need another specialty, you could network from the OBGYN. Liberal docs know other liberal docs. Reproductive rights oriented clinics are probably the best places to start, most if not all would be at least progressive.