This is a quasi-rant and a brief explanation of why I don't believe in a "god".
As a young girl I was raised Lutheran....I went to sunday school and church fairly regularly for many years. When I was about 10 I got the "honor" of attending catechism classes instead of regular "sunday school"...there was even a hard-bound book to study from.
It was always stressed to me that God knew everything you did and everything you thought, and he had the power to let you live or not...because he was all powerful. You would be forgiven if asked, but it was also drilled into me that you were NOT supposed to repeat the same "sin" once you have asked for, and supposedly received, forgiveness. You were supposed to "learn" from your mistakes and constantly strive to be a better person.
About half-way thru the catechism study book, I realized that there was a huge disconnect between what was "taught" and "preached" to us on Sunday, and how the adults acted and treated other people when they were not in the weekly 1-hour church sermon.
The lies, the fakeness, the hypocrisy...was all very blatent. I couldn't understand how God could let people get away with this kind of behaviour and he didn't "do" anything to those people who were obviously not following the "teachings of Christ".
My dad being a military man, we ended up moving to another base -- there wasn't a Lutheran church nearby, so we didn't do weekly services any more. I went to church with a few different friends out of curiosity as to how their version of Christianity was taught and believed. While there were differences, the similarities were very obvious....and so was the lies, the fakeness and the hypocrisy.
What I finally realized about 30 years ago was that so many people needed to "blame" some one or some thing for the good and bad things that happened to them during their lifetime. They did not want to accept responsibility for their decisions and actions and the consequences of those decisions and actions. It was so much easier to say "god wanted me to experience this", or "god moves in mysterious ways", and other variations of these themes. I also realized that there was another group of people that needed to believe in a higher power because the thought that we are born, we live, we die and turn back into "dust" was just too hard to live with. Some people need to know that there is a "reason or a purpose" for being here.
During the past 25 years, the "born-agains" started being more vocal, and getting into politics, and started spouting lies and mistruths; all while going to church and supposedly believing in the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments I was raised with included the "do not bear false witness"....I don't believe that this one is being taught anymore based on what I see, hear, and read from so many of the "christian" faith.
And where is this "all powerful God"? Why is he letting these liars, thieves, and hypocrites use "his" name to be forgiven, yet they turnaround and blatantly "sin" again? Does he not care what they are doing in "his" name?
I know many who will say, "God gave us free will"; ok, but if I was "all powerful, and knew everything you said and did" I wouldn't let liars and hypocrites abuse my name like so many christians seem to be doing and not showing them the "error" of their behavior. And what kind of "god" allows religious leaders (priests, ministers, etc) to sexually abuse children? More silence from the "all-knowing, all-powerful god".
With more and more people believing that there is no god, wouldn't you think this would be a perfect time for one of those "miracles" to prove that "he" really does exist....and still, silence from the "all-knowing, all-powerful god"....which just confirms to me, there is no god, no higher being, no all powerful and all knowing being....it's just US!
We are here, we need to make the most of it that we can, realizing that not everyone is "playing" by the same set of rules.
There will always be people who lie, cheat, steal and hurt others; being that there is no god, there is no hell and no place for "bad" people to spend eternity. I wish there was, but there isn't.