Rapture Ready by Daniel Radosh. Hilarious.
Another fairly good one is Selling God: How Christianity Went From in Your Heart to in Your Face. Author is James B. Twitchell, who describes himself as an "apatheist."
One thing jumped out at me in both books--near the end, the authors start gushing about how darn nice all those megachurch Fundies are once you get to know them as individuals.
I even wondered if the publishers had maybe asked for that, to avoid offending a huge market.
But probably not. I know individual Fundies are nice, since I'm related to many of them. But the overall intent and philosophy of their movement is anything but "nice," as Radosh should have known if he spent much time reading the forum called "Rapture Ready."
I've met many perfectly nice Muslims here in Egypt, and the same thing applies. Some of them have even come right out and said they wish they were in Iraq killing the Crusaders. I appreciated that, since I love irony...