As many of you are already aware and have long been so, there is really nothing new about the Family or their influence and control within the halls of power literally word-wide.
I've posted several threads over the past few years about this and at best they have been ignored; at worst, I was derided as a conspiracy nut or simply bigoted toward people of faith. (I kind of am, but is it still bigotry when it's true?)
It is very entertaining now to watch the outrage, shock and knee-jerk presentation of solutions (We have to purge these people from our party!111!) Rachel said it on the tee-vee so now the issue is real and the surprise at this NEW revelation puts me in no-shit-sherlock mode.
Personally, I think it is over. By holding faith up as an unquestionable virtue and allowing a de facto religious test for office we have already set the stage for a Christian government. In fact it is already a Christian government. All the big new revelations about the family will do is legitimize them in the minds of the electorate.
To everyone who has demonized non-believers for exposing the myths, and demanded respect for their woo-woo beliefs, here's your theocracy. I hope you like it.
No much left to do now except keep our heads down, sit back and watch.