Just how nuts is the ID shit? Well, lets put it this way...as explained by PZ in regards to his trip to the creation 'museum':
http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2009/08/a_little_taste_of_the_strangen.phpIt's a small thing, but it's representative of the bizarre pseudoscience in the world of the Creation "Museum". There was a room with a small collection of dinosaur models and skeleton casts, and they each had little panels describing the specimen…just like a real museum! Then you read them, and the weirdness sinks in.
Notice that "Diet" specifies "after the Fall" — that's because everything was a vegetarian before Adam and Eve ate the apple, since there was no death anywhere in the universe (which implies, apparently, that in their version of Christian theology, plants are dead). That's not the weirdest thing, though.
No, the part that I found most amusing is the date. This is a Jurassic ceratosaur, so it says that this is from the Jurassic (~2348 BC). There were other specimens from other geological eras, and they would say "Upper Cretaceous (~2348 BC)" and "Lower Cretaceous (~2348 BC)". I'm sure that if they had some Cambrian specimens there, they would have also said "(~2348 BC)"....
More at link.