Hello, everyone. I'm new to the group. Pleased to be talking to you all and I wish I would have stopped in sooner. I grew up going to a Baptist church. I went because my dad told me I had to. I attended the church from the time I was 4 until I was 16 and rebelled against dad :). I was an agnostic for a long time and now I call myself an atheist. Dad also quit going to church, later. He's pretty much a non-religious person now days, but I think he still believes in God. Alright, that's it for my autobiography.
In January of this year I was very obese, weighing in at 290 on a 5'10" frame. I'd been big my whole life, but not that big, and things were starting to get out of hand. Because I was starting to worry about my health, and also because I didn't like the way I looked, I started searching for weight loss businesses. I searched online and found a place that was close to home and was also something that I hadn't tried before. I went in for a consultation, bought a five month membership, and started my weight loss journey.
The program was very effective for me. In those first 5 months I lost 70 pounds. But I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of people there who were giving God credit for their successes, and praising God in general. A lot of people were praying for each other. There was also a preacher and his wife who were members. It's not uncommon to run across overtly religious people around here, but it seemed like everyone at the weight loss place was overtly religious.
It didn't really bother me all that much, though. I was happy with the program and I can endure a little God praising.
Then one day I was waiting in the lobby for my class to begin when I noticed that there was a stack of Blue Pages phone books there that were being given away. Do you have the Blue Pages around where you live? It's like the business yellow pages except it's a phone directory for Christian owned businesses and Christian churches. I looked up the weight loss place, and, sure enough, they were in there and proud to be a Christian owned business.
I tipped the scales yesterday at 187; 103 pounds lost in about eight months. I feel a hell of a lot better, but I don't attribute my success to anyone but me. I paid for the membership, went to class every week, ate like I was supposed to, exercised, and stayed with the program. I am one of the most successful members they've had and one of only a few to lose over 100 pounds. If God was playing favorites, there are a lot of people there that should be doing better than me. But they aren't.
I told the owner that I was not a religious person and that I didn't go to church. And to everyone's credit there I've only been preached at one time, and that was by a counselor. She won't do that now ;). There are probably people there who attribute my success to God. That's alright. They can think whatever they want. And despite my lack of faith in God, I recommend the place to everyone who expresses an interest.
Would you recommend a Christian owned business if you liked their product? I didn't know the place was Christian owned until after they had my money. I don't know what I would have done if I had known it was a Christian owned business before I signed up. I probably would have looked around a little more at least.
Okay that's the end of the book. Stick around and I'll write you another one more than likely. :)