I just DO NOT WANT to hear ANYTHING about Jeebus.
Case in point: My first ex-hubby is studying for a M.Div. at a liberal Methodist seminary. He started life as a Reform Jew, thirty years ago when we were briefly married in college. his parents screamed at me about converting, I tried to convince them I was raised Presby but was NOT a xtian, they had a chip on their shoulder. He screwed a mere eight of my girlfriends while we were married, and it didn't last anyway, so I didn't have to worry about converting. I would have converted with no problem if we'd had a real marriage, but we didn't.
I threw the triple paradox at him in an email discussion. His brother died last year and I caught up with him at the memorial service, so now we occasionally email each other. He says "It is all Mythos anyway" and he says he doesn't believe in original sin, substitutionary atonement, the standard doctrines. So if it's all stories explaining what god is, then what makes him say he is a christian?
He seems to have grown up into a decent person and I'm glad he found his calling, but I don't want anything to do with that part of his personality.
I think he's an interesting person but I don't want to put the effort into thinking about xtian philosophy when asking him questions like the above. Probably because it's so random, primitive, magical and totally contradictory compared to, say, the philosophy of Buddha.
I think all the abrahamic religions are pure bullshit, the least objectionable one is Judaism because at least they are intellectual and ask pointed questions. I just do not want to be around anyone who is a xtian and I don't want to have to respect their primitive animal sacrifice, cannibalistic, hateful and psychotic morality.
Where I live, the people next door have a six foot cross in their front yard and there are asshole churches everywhere. We are social outcasts and have no white friends b/c we don't go to church, and we voted for Obama. We have the angry rednecks here.
Anybody else with me??