Movie based on the infamous Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857, when the Mormons slaughtered 120 men, women and children.
Jebus! I am AMAZED that this movie got made. For one thing, because of the incredible political/financial power of the Mormon Church.
And for another...well, gosh darn it, as we all know, we're supposed to be NICE to all Twue Bewievers and not criticize their faith. Hollywood always seems to follow that rule. Belief is always RESPECTED in movies, whether the believers wear magic underwear or advocate throwing virgins into volcanos. There's some good in all belief systems, y'know.
Anyway, this is a pretty good flick. Terence Stamp is great as Brigham Young: arrogant, self-righteous and always with a gleam of barely-buried fanaticism in his eyes. Other characters refer to him as "an ignorant tyrant," among other things.
And Jon Voight plays a truly despicable Mormon (Son-Of-A-) Bishop.
The producers did shoehorn in a gratuitous romance, but it's tolerable. The massacre scenes are incredibly graphic, showing Mormons shooting, stabbing and head-bashing women and little kids. (The instructions to the mob are: "Leave no one alive who is old enough to talk.")
Text at the end informs us: "To this day, the Mormon Church denies any responsibility for the massacre and Brigham Young's involvement."
Well, I love a surprise ending...