means that religion or the presence or existence of a "god" or any deity should by now be easily provable in a scientific environment such as a lab.
We live in an age of scientific understanding and discovery like no other age before us.
Archeology, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Medicine have all helped us understand our origins by doing the painstaking research. By digging the fossils out of the rock. By cataloging and radio carbon dating. By building a fossil record that has no more holes or gaps. We've found and dated and cataloged the fossilized remains of our evolutionary ancestors along every step of the journey from the time our ancestors left the water to the time when mammals first appeared to the time of early primates to the time we lost our tails to the time we started walking upright and stopped dragging our knuckles to the time we lost our low sloping foreheads and our brains grew in size.
Scientists call it the fossil record. It's viewable online at almost any research university worldwide. Or a trip to a local library. Or a tour of a University's science department.
Want more proof? Religion has been forced to undergo a process of it's own evolution in an attempt to keep up with scientific discovery. Religion has evolved. I grew up in a fundy evangelical church with a preacher slamming his fist on the pulpit proclaiming that planet Earth was no more that 5000 years old. That belief is now considered laughable. A few stubborn fundy churches might still preach that nonsense but most have moved on. They now are left with little choice but to outright shun science and call it a lie. Proof that religion had to evolve or be relegated to laughable status of being a myth.
Ask a fundy to prove the existence of god, a soul, angels, heaven any of that and you'll mostly hear from them, "Prove god doesn't exist."
That's actually quite easy.
If god created the heavens and the Earth. And humans, the skies, the clouds, the oceans, land, mountains, birds and land critters, fish etc. If he created all of that and is omnipresent, all around us, hears all of our prayers, has an army of angels, has a nemesis in a satan with his own army of demons, a heaven and hell.
Wouldn't all that "creating" have left a residual effect that we would have found by now? We've found fossilized remains of prehistoric life but no residual effect of creation or an afterlife. No proof of a soul or ghosts or a soul ascending to heaven. No ectoplasmic goo. No contact with the "other side". Where is god's creation "paper trail"?
With our capability to understand and our ability to reason and apply science nowadays, we would have easily found a residual effect of creation or an afterlife by now.
Religion is nothing more than a myth.
Religion needs to be relegated to the dustbin, as a laughable myth.
Religion tries to pass itself off as science when it's NOT! FAITH IS NOT SCIENCE!
Ask a fundamentalist religious person to prove the existence of any god, or a soul, or creationism, or ghosts, or demons, or angels. Ask them to prove any of it using the scientific method.
To this day, not 1 shred of scientific evidence has been offered or produced or proven in a scientific lab or field lab or University.
Not 1 shred of evidence can prove any aspect of religion. Remember that statement and also remember the age we live in. The age of science.
Religious fundies, in a pathetic attempt to compete with science are now opening up "museums" in Kentucky and Florida and elsewhere showing humans living alongside dinosaurs. Laughed at by the reasonable and the scientific communities these fundy wingnuts don't care. They proudly preach their ignorance and try pass it off as science, when it's not.
Fundy wingnut Kirk Cameron attempting to rewrite Darwin's "Origin".
The Catholic church's acceptance of evolutionary science...
Proves that religion has been forced to evolve to compete with scientific discovery of our origins.
When we view the enormous influence that religion has had on humankind since walked upright and lost our low sloping foreheads we see religion as arguably the most influential force ever inflicted upon humanity.
Religion has caused more war, death, poverty, mayhem, homelessness and how it creates refugees. It's created more strife, hate, division, homophobia, sexism, racism, oppression, authoritarianism than any other force upon humankind.
Faith isn't science. For a fundy to speak with conviction means that person should be able to prove it with science. Or heck even a reasonable theory.
For a fundy christian homophobe to speak hatred toward gay people is an example of speaking with conviction. To speak with that kind of conviction means that person should first be able to prove religion with science.
"Prove god doesn't exist." is no longer a legit defense for defending religion.
Not in the age of science.