background info:
my MIL is a moron.
she is one of the religious folks who suddenly rediscovered jesus when she lost her job a year and a half ago. according to my wife she wasn't always super-religious, and they barely went to church when my wife was growing up.
after the MIL lost her job it all kind of went down hill. she became stagnant and lazy. she decided that instead of perhaps getting an updated resume together, and looking for a job, she instead has left it into the hands of god to find her some steady employment. so naturally, she is still unemployed.
it started off kind of funny too, she started quoting (or rather, misquoting) the bible randomly in the most awkward of situations, like in public, around me and my wife, etc. my wife and i are atheist, or as my wife likes to refer to it as: not gullible.
(i love my wife :hug:)
so, when the MIL starts spouting religious wacko nonsense, thinking she is somehow edumacating us with her pious snap-quotes, we were getting some entertainment out of it. it was, to say the least, amusing. until...
we had made it very clear from the time our first child was born that we are not religious, and that our children will be educated about all religions from a historical context. if they choose to be religious it will be of their own doing, not ours. we were very clear about this. well, the wife and i don't get out much, and when we do, the MIL watches the kids. (we have 3 now)
a week ago, it was a monday, my wife gets a call from her mother to which her mother asks, "why are you mad at me? you haven't talked to me since i watched the kids friday night."
my wife replies, "what are you talking about? why would i be mad at you?"
to which the MIL responds, "is it because i made the kids say their prayers before they went to bed friday night?"
to which my wife fires back, "uh, i didn't even know you did that? why did you do that??"
let's sum up the scenario: my MIL knows how we feel. she decides to force my children to participate in a prayer, prayers being something my kids know nothing about (ages 5, 4, and the youngest 7 months old - obviously not subject to said prayer), and then somehow managed to convince my children to keep it a secret from myself and their mother.
we decided to nonchalantly ask my oldest (daughter) about it. not wanting to make a big deal out of it we ask her, "so, what did you do with grandma friday night when we were gone?"
she says, "watched TV."
me: "okay, anything else, like at bedtime?"
her: "yeah. she asked us to talk to jesus with her. who is she?"
me: "well, jesus is a boy, hunny, what did she ask you to say?"
her: *shrugs shoulders* "heaven and something else. i don't remember." "who's jesus?"
me: "he's a guy that lived a long time ago. you want to learn more about him?"
her: "no. she asked us to say that stuff with her. i did it for her, i don't really care. i did it for her." "i know she wanted us too, so i did it for her. she was happy we did."
me: "you know you never have to do stuff that people ask you to just to make them happy, right?"
her: "i know, and only you and mommy and the doctor can see me without my clothes, right!"
me: "yes hunny, that's right. good job!" *high five* "but that also means you don't have to say something if you're not comfortable with it. do you understand what i mean?"
her: "yeah. i just did it. i don't believe it. she said fairies took muffy to heaven too." (muffy is our cat that died a few months ago). "i knew she was being silly, because fairies aren't real, hahaha."
me: "that's right, fairies don't exist. what fairies was she talking about?"
her: "she said they had wings and came down to take animals and people when they die."
me: "i see. do you have any questions about that?"
her: "no. well... why does grandma believe in fairies?"
:rofl: (trying not to laugh out loud)
me: "everyone believes something different, or doesn't believe in anything at all, hun."
her: "okay. can i go play now?"
me: "sure, hun. you can go play now."
okay. here's my problem.
the fact that we were lied to, and that my kids were asked to do something that clearly confused them and made at least one of them uncomfortable a little, PISSES ME OFF. the second thing is that this is a conversation i wasn't expecting to have because my MIL disrupted, i was instead hoping to have this discussion with my wife, between us and our kids. not because some idiot was trying to recruit them. two positive things came out of this though. one, my daughter didn't even care about the relevance of what my MIL was doing. so saying their prayers did not have the desired afect my MIL intended it to have. secondly:
my oldest now thinks my MIL is an idiot.
my question: what on earth do i do about my MIL?
my only idea is to go nuclear. but i think she'll get pleasure out of seeing me flustered. but, i do not want her doing this shit behind our backs again either.
any suggestions?