"If you believe as I do that this planet is God’s creation, we have a moral obligation to care for it and pass it on to our future generations in a responsible way," she said.
Idiotic magic-worship aside, I'm really sick of the religious 'stewards of the environment' attitude. Our environmental responsibility is to clean up after ourselves, not treat the planet like it's belongs to us. I'm reminded of the line in Star Trek IV:
...if we were to assume that these whales are ours to do with as we please, we would be as guilty as those who caused their extinction."
It's the same with the planet itself. It isn't a gift to humanity from the Dictator, it isn't ours to do with as we please.
Even looking at the positives to come out of "stewardship," such as conservation and protection of endangered species, taking the attitude that we have a responsibility to look after other species, leads to efforts to 'save' iconic species at the expense of the numerous, potentially more important species.
Can we just grow up, and realize that the planet doesn't belong to us because of some children's story?