Being Neutral is Oh So Hard to DoApparently, the Christian Legal Society at UC-Hastings School of Law sued to be recognized officially, despite the school's official policy that no registered student organization (RSO) can deny full membership to anyone. The CLS allows anyone to participate, but only those who sign a
loyalty oath statement agreeing to be a good,
uptight upright Christian can be full members who can vote and hold office. Any student group at UC-Hastings can use school facilities for meetings and hold meetings.
The chief advantage of being an RSO, it seems, is getting funding from the school.
Mr. "Neutral" Stanley Fish, of course, uses lots of solipsism to basically state that a Christian group should be able to do whatever the hell it wants and still get recognized. They're not barred from holding meetings or doing anything else. They just don't get funding.
Funny how they're only concerned about "rights" when it's predominantly white Christians whining about not getting free money while they discriminate.