I went to Camp Victory Bible Camp for several weeks each summer through my teen years. I always won the Bible drills, fully bought into every fundie thing they preached.
(Granted, this wasn't quite as political, as we weren't worshipping Reagan or anything, but it was Alabama, so everyone was just expected to vote Democrat locally, Republican nationally.)
It last until my senior year, when I got into preaching and really studying the nether regions of the Bible. The first niggles of doubt started in the back of my mind. Then I went off to university and met a guy named R--- D--, my very first atheist. (Very charismatic, I think I switched to atheism out of an unknown-to-me crush. :D ) But then I spent some time (years) on my own thinking about it, took some philosophy classes, and became the unrepentant heathen atheist I am today.
A great number of those kids will grow up to perpetuate the mythology and bullshit, but a larger than you would expect number of them will look back at it as child abuse, which it is.
The rest of my family, parents excluded, are three-times-a-week church-goers, at the least. My favourite cousin, the one I had the most in common with growin up, the most intelligent, is a preacher who believes the 'quiverfull' nonsense and has ten kids. His brother has 9. They're all very religious, but I'm betting a few of those kids are going to turn out more like me, because the parents spend so much of their time focused on god and church the family time is neglected. In these two large families, the older kids basically raise the younger ones, who care for the youngest ones, so how much influence are the parents really going to have?
My cousin and I were still communicating regularly up until three months ago, when he quit answering the phone or returning email for some reason. Nobody knows why, but I have my suspicions. He refused to do the marriage service for my mother when she remarried a few years ago, because she's divorced, and I maybe told the wrong person in the family I thought that was complete and utter bullshit. Haele and I had planned to get remarried on our tenth out there, since our original marriage was in San Diego and nobody from my family could attend, but I won't be asking him to do it anymore, I'll get a judge to come out. Screw their superstitions that tear families apart and destroy 40 year friendships.