Fallible, imperfect, and sometimes weak. I think we all feel that way from time to time, no matter who we are. We all experience doubt, troubling thoughts, fear, and depression. As much as I wish I felt strong and confident all the time, I don't.
The reality is that I'm just some regular joe out here trying to make his life the best he can, just like most people.
I see things differently than the majority of the population in this country, like all of you in this forum. As much as I wish people would see things my way, I know it's not going to happen anytime soon.
So I try to take people as they are and get along the best I can. I try to see the humanity in everyone. We all have needs and desires and they are often times the same no matter how different we think we are.
It's a tragedy, yes it is, that people sometimes don't see each other as humans. We live in a society that sometimes strips people of their humanity. If you don't think that's true, go to the GLBT forum or the African-American's group. Take an honest look at our nation's foreign policy since its inception. Then think of all of the people in this country who approved of our barbaric actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but I want to make sure I'm making my point.
So each day we start again. We have to provide for ourselves and our loved ones just like everyone else on the planet. If we don't see each other in this way, how can we progress?