Don't forget that one. As if the likes of Dawkins never heard, let alone gave due consideration to, high flown religious wankery. Important crap like this: of fevered hairsplitting that drew in even the mighty Augustine, only to have Mother Church say: Whoops. It was all made up. Sorry. Nevermind.
I watched a recent debate Hitchens had with this grim undertaker apologist. The guy was sharper than most, though his arguments were boilerplate. But, there was something off about him, like he was a grumpy automaton. Then, in summation, he says this:
Finally, I've argued that atheism, in so far that it removes from the human context, a brute sense of obligation based on fear... a brute sense of obligation based on fear... removes from the moral calculus a profound and powerful reason not to do evil. I think there's no escaping this. It's unpleasant, I don't particularly like it and to be perfectly honest, I haven't lived my life that way, but I recognize that it is a fact. And I think we all must.
What the hell? The guy's a fucking unbeliever?
Yes, turns out he is. And an employee of the
Discovery Institute. Where the fuck do these cranks keep coming from? It seems there's no end to them.