Really, is it any wonder these days that people like McDumbass McDonnell don't know about the concept of church and state when the media seems to have no problem crossing the line? Okay, so the county executive and his wife of the county next to mine (Prince George's County, Maryland) was arrested Friday on corruption charges (they apparantly were opening taking bribes from developers..his wife may have flushed a check for $100,000 and she had almost $80,000 in cash in her underwear- which her hubby told her to hide there from the FBI). Anyhow, if this story wasn't bad enough already, one media outlet decided it was important to know that all the people in his church are praying for him and think he can be forgiven etc, etc, etc. Why the fuck should this even matter? If he goes to a church and people are praying for him, nothing I can do about it, but why the fuck is this at all newsworthy? Interview the county resisdents who voted for his wife (she just won a county coucil seat in the recent elections) but how is this church shit relevant? So we are supposed to think he can't be that bad and should be forgiven because he goes and mumbles words about God? AAAARGH. Sorry, but this really got under my skin....And its not like this area is known for its religion, its a pretty secular place. PG county is VERY liberal. :rant: