All I can say is, during 4 years in Alexandria I never heard or saw a lot of support for the MB. Though Egyptians don't go around yakking much about their politics, obviously. Especially not to foreigners.
I also didn't hang out in the poorest central downtown neighborhoods of Alex, where the MB allegedly has most of its support. I lived in Sidi Bishr, sort of an eastern Alexandria suburb. I don't know how to describe the neighborhood in U.S. terms. "Lower working-class," I guess.
So among the Alexandrians I knew, I mostly heard negative things about the MB. For several good reasons:
1. The St. George's riots of Oct. 2005 - riots blew up around Geragis (St. George's) Coptic Xian church, in the Muharram Bey district of Alex. 3 people dead and 143 injured. The official reason was an anti-Muslim play
performed 2 years earlier in the church (and its DVD release!).
What I heard unofficially was - the local MB candidate whipped up the riot to help him out in the Nov. 2005 elections. That may have been just a nasty rumor, but a lot of Alexandrians seemed to believe it.
A little more about that: The riots of April 2006 - 3 Coptic churches invaded by knife-wielding maniacs on Good Friday. The Egyptian govt. blamed a Lone Crazed Knifeman, which nobody believed - the attacks happened in 3 different and widely separated city districts. Huge riots erupted at All Saints' Coptic church, not far from where I lived. Tear gas, burning cars, and neighbors attacking each other's homes with axes and firebombs. (That's the same church that was car-bombed on New Year's Day 2011.) Many residents seemed to think the MB was behind the attacks, though nobody seemed to know for sure.
3. 2007, the MB released its draft program to form a new political party. Among a lot of high-minded calls for free elections and equal representation - it demanded the banning of women and non-Muslims from all political offices, and a special council of Islamic clerics to approve all legislation.
We aren't hearing it much in all the nice-making about the MB, but it's useful to remember their #1 slogan - "Islam is the solution."
4. The Gaza Riots of Jan. 2009 - Israel went into Gaza and the MB went ballistic. I remember heading out of my apartment for a bracing walk, and seeing long lines of armored cars and paddy wagons headed in the same direction, toward downtown Alex. Walk cancelled! The Alex gathering got so ugly, even the Riot Police gave up and left. And those guys don't give up easily.
Again the MB overplayed its hand, calling for Egyptians to join a jihadic army and march into Gaza. The last thing sane Egyptians want is another war with Israel. MB members also appeared at the demonstrations wearing black masks and looking like the Army Of Darkness, which didn't help.
Egyptians haven't forgotten that the MB killed Sadat in 1981, or the subsequent trial footage of a shrieking Ayman al-Zawahiri, longtime MB member and currently Osama bin Laden's right-hand man. (Zawahiri's family still lives in the very upscale, foreign-infidel-infested Cairo suburb of Maadi, or at least they did the last I heard.)
5. Finally, an article about how the MB REALLY operates in those poor neighborhoods of Alexandria:
"Mouselhy wants to be popular, and so he helps out. He gives 20 pounds to anyone who is poor," said 66-year-old Mohamed Abdelghani. "As for the other guy, the only time we saw him here was when the Brothers were collecting money for Gaza." This article also has more detail about some of the other stuff I mentioned: