Heh. Blame Chris Mooney for the headline. The psych evidence he's talking about are 4 studies that show increased atheist prevalence (i.e. more out-of-the-closet atheists) reduces prejudice and distrust of atheists.
Although prejudice is typically positively related to relative outgroup size, four studies found converging evidence that perceived atheist prevalence reduces anti-atheist prejudice. Study 1 demonstrated that anti-atheist prejudice among religious believers is reduced in countries in which atheists are especially prevalent. Study 2 demonstrated that perceived atheist prevalence is negatively associated with anti-atheist prejudice. Study 3 demonstrated a causal relationship: Reminders of atheist prevalence reduced explicit distrust of atheists. These results appeared distinct from intergroup contact effects. Study 4 demonstrated that prevalence information decreased implicit atheist distrust. The latter two experiments provide the first evidence that mere prevalence information can reduce prejudice against any outgroup. These findings offer insights about anti-atheist prejudice, a poorly understood phenomenon. Furthermore, they suggest both novel directions for future prejudice research and potential interventions that could reduce a variety of prejudices.
http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/intersection/2011/04/21/psych-evidence-that-supports-new-atheismNow all we need is for Russell T. Davies to make a show about a bunch of promiscuous atheists and I think we'll have this anti-atheist bigotry just about licked.
Note: I posted this over in R&T too, but I know a lot of the denizens of this group don't like to wade into those murky waters so here it is for the godless gang.