The Religious Scripture Rating Board (RSRB) is a non-profit, self-regulatory body established in 2011. RSRB assigns mandatory religious scripture content ratings directly on the front cover of all religious books and enforces America's complete separation of religion, from public education. RSRB encourages the responsible practice of introducing religion to a person when they are equipped with understanding the material. It is healthier for a person to have a choice when making such a large and complicated decision. ~
Censorship exists with music, movies, video games, magazines, etc., while some scripture content is worse than all combined. Legal age limits also exist for driving, voting, cigarettes, alcohol, military, and dozens of other activities. Most of these age limits exist for very good reasons and most people agree with them but the single most important thing that should have a strict age limit, does not have one. What lies in the pages of scripture, fits the all other existing regulatory definitions of adult content perfectly. There is no reason why our laws should not be followed, when it comes to scripture.