Edited on Sun Dec-04-11 08:13 PM by MarkCharles
Russian roulette solution to a common human experience for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of humans every week.
True, if we could isolate fundamentalist Christian/Jewish/Muslim schizophrenics from us, (like prisons), we could probably escape their threat to our living bodies, and their challenge to our rational minds. And very true, we don't have answers to every challenge we face in the world we live in, (AIDS, Cancer, etc. etc.) We just cannot save every human with our current limitations of medical knowledge nor with our ability of logical rational skeptic thought to fight against thousands of years of global wide religious myths, combined with a bio-organic mental illness. We are as helpless as we would be if an asteroid slammed into our planet tonight and took out part of Cleveland.
Despite what mental health experts all tell us, despite the fact that only 1 or 3% of mentally ill people actually resort to violence, I don't want to keep that percentage that high. I don't want any more Hinckley-inspired Presidential, nor common family relatives found as victims tomorrow.
In Massachusetts last month, some 20 something guy killed his mother, his mother's boyfriend, and his 20 something sister, then sat around in the house waiting for all of them and him to be discovered. Nope, he was not a meteor falling from the sky, he was someone who showed all the signs and had fit all the patterns. We need to challenge ourselves to come up with ethical methods and schemes to get these perpetrators the help they need, even if it comes down to some sort of more improved standards for diagnosis and lifelong less-than-initially-voluntary treatment. No, I don't want common neurotics like me locked up because I yelled at the garbage collector for spilling my garbage on the front lawn, but isn't there a more moderate middle ground that guarantees treatment, and keeps the guns away?
If we had universal health care, this, obviously, would NOT be such a large problem. If we had no financial incentive, (as we now do), to NOT treat the mentally ill, (which is what we have now), we would not be faced with tens of thousands of American paranoid schizophrenics without treatment. But that is on the global, or national scale.
What can we do on an individual scale, with the national health care deck stacked the way it is? What inspirations or strategies can atheists offer that religion has not offered since the time of Moses or before? Namely the appeal to authority, (false authority, but nonetheless an appeal, not always successful, but sometimes so).
No, I have no ultimate answers nor solutions, but these are the kinds of problems we as atheists should be looking at, I'm sure you agree. Religion has been both the cause and the solution to SOME of the problems here in mental health, what can atheism and the techniques of skeptical science offer to us all? That's the question an example like this poses to contemporary humankind.