It has to be spun as individual faith group protectionism. The problem I see with the fundies not understanding the need for absolute separation is that they don't realize that they are likely to be harmed by an absence of separation. They think that a Christian nation means their version of Christianity, which it won't. There's no majority in any denomination, and even the pluralities are rather small. When you get down to the sects that are just barely recognized, they'd be smashed under the foot of the Catholics, Baptists and Episcopalians.
The reason the conservative side doesn't scream about it is they have ignored it, and the separationists in the conservative ranks are far outnumbered.
As far as Bush/Gore goes, I watched the debates, but debates are rarely useful for me. Action is far more clear. Bush LIED in the 2000 debates, and most of us who had looked at his record knew it. The problem was that the media was in Special Olympics mode, and every time anyone brought up the fact that Bush had an abysmal record that contradicted his statements, they started calling "mudslinging" and "dirty campaign." There was just no opportunity to get the information out there effectively. That's the problem with a corporate, for profit media.
And honestly, I'm not concerned with the vast majority at this point. I know that there are 16% of the population out there that we can mobilize. That would make us the third largest voting block in the nation, if we can just do it - larger than the Jewish vote, the Black vote or the Gay vote, and equal to the Hispanic vote, the Catholic vote and the Baptist vote. We don't need to march in lockstep, just all amble in the same general direction.