In this stubborn spirit of mine of having a political discussion here rather than in the noise and confusion which reigns over at GD or even LBN.
In fact, the recent trend of spiritual (e.g. Creation is/is not a theory), mundane (e.g. what should we wear on inauguration day) or chatty (e.g. How to raise children) threads seen on the GD forum, might very well faithfully represent the current state of mind of the democratic population in this country. If this is the case, one may easily imagine the uncertainties and confusion of the democrat leaders, which might then contribute to explain their silence.
On a political level, and barring some extraordinary event in the recount department, we now know that the 3 branches of the government are in the hands of the extreme-right and that a very large portion of the media, probably 90% of the radios, which, by the way, have been badly neglected over the last 10 to 20 years, is now owned by extreme-right consortia (plural of consortium?).
The administration and its strategists also have a permanent joker up their sleeves with the "terrorism" fallacy, because I think more and more that it is a fallacy. We now have a "wag the dog" a the power of a hundred. At any time, it is possible to focus the nation on some event, engineered or magnified, or both, somewhere in the very large portion of the planet which has been, and still is, actively de-stabilized. 9/11 was immediately understood (and not by the idiot) as a tremendous, historical, opportunity to take political hold of power and was methodically and consistently utilized to that very end.
On a social level, the people are put and/or maintained in a state of fear. Not only of "terrorism" but mainly for their livelihood, their job and their health. Fear of "terrorism" is the detonator, the primer, which creates a state of arousal which facilitates the emergence of other fearful reaction. Fear makes obedience much easier.
On the whole, the current situation is a political dead-end for progressives. No democrat leader will dare stand up and articulate the above, or even part of it, and lose his/her job in the process. Political leaders will do as usual: hold on to what they have, re-frame, join the crowd and wait for the other camp to make a mistake.
And this for the foreseeable future.
The only logical end I see to this is a series of popular protests. The street talking. Just about a week ago already, workers in OH got seriously pissed and engaged in physical pressure during a strike. If such events keep on happening, and they are likely to because the current conditions tends to create them, this would quickly shake up the spectacular hypnosis. I don't trust much students to spearhead anything, although their unrest usually reaches the media faster. In summary, my take is on popular unrest.
What's yours?